Wednesday, August 20, 2008

When your best friend (who is male) decides to quote lines from the Notebook as you doesn't help.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sad times

So Seussical ended today. It's amazing to me how different people say goodbye. Some people go around and let everyone know they're leaving with loud trumpets and fanfare (don't really care about them). Some just try to sneak quietly out the back without letting anyone know. I just go to the few people I care about and hug them. It's also funny how different the goodbyes are. I thought for sure it would be horribly hard saying goodbye to Charis, Mary Jo, and Natalie. Yea, it was...but not nearly as hard as saying goodbye to Shane. I wasn't even that close with him but his sincerity and honest sadness at my leaving made me want to stay forever. Thank you Shane, for making me realize I have genuine emotions of sadness (which are never ever exhibited). I'll miss all my Seussical peeps (Charis, Mary Jo, Natalie, Shane, Hollie, Heidi, Star, Justin, John, Tiffany). I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

It's hot as Balzac.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Went to see Mamma Mia with Will today. We were the only people in the theater. It was wicked awesome. We sang out loud to every song and danced and sat on railings and laid across three seats at a time. We were wild. But no one cared. Cuz it was just us. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coolest Website Ever!

basically people took barbies and made them into's awesome! I wish I had been this creative when I was younger.....

Warning: Some Barbie nudity
I'm in the mood to spread a blanket out on my living room floor put in a movie that I love and eat Little Ceasar's pizza. I just may do that.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Why isn't Colonel George Fitzwilliam in every play/movie/version of Pride and Prejudice? He is wonderfully congenial and of all the characters the one I would most likely want to marry. He is a sorely understated character. I read Mr. Darcy's Wife (a sequel to P&P written by Linda Berdoli. It looks like a respectable novel, and at points is on, but mainly is a romance novel. My friends and I have dubbed it the Darcy Porno...) and Fitzwilliam is a predominate character. He is full of kindness and perfectly wonderful. I think if I didn't believe that Darcy and Elizabeth belong together I would really like Elizabeth with Fitzwilliam (he wants the same. In the Darcy Porno this is very obvious and very sad. Unrequited love is the saddest ever.)

The Ultimate Evil

I'm in a slight state of shock. One of my friends is very seriously writing a book and she told me I'm in her acknowledgements because I've supported this story so much. Fun thing is I've only met the girl once. I guess I feel kinda in awe and very undeserving of this honor. I really hope she gets it published. If you want to read bits from her story you can check the blogs I read on the right side of the page. Madison loves to write is my friends webpage. Her story is a fantasy book for Young Adults (mainly middle-school boys I believe she said). Nonetheless I think it is fabulous. Kudos, Madison and I really hope you get it published. I know I'll buy it the moment it hits shelves!

Amazing Grace

I just saw Amazing Grace. It's amazing. It's the story of William Wilberforce who is campaigning the end of the British slave trade. Ioan Gruffudd (pronounced yo-whan griffiths) plays Wilberforce. And does an amazing job. I first saw Ioan in Fantastic Four where he was decent...but not the hot Chris Evans. Ioan is incredibly attractive in period costumes and my belief is that he should always play period roles. He also is a very impressive actor which adds many many points...
I have way to many books that I want to read.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's been a long time

So it's been a while since I posted anything. Figures. I knew I wouldn't write a lot. Just so you know I am alive. This weekend is my final week of Seussical. I'm gonna miss it. It's been a great experience playing a Who and meeting all the awesome people I did meet. It's kinda weird because I know I'll most likely never see any of these people again (except Tiffany) since I'm going off to college in a week. It's little things like that that are recently dawning on me. I'm watching Jeeves and Wooster right now. For those of you who don't know it's an A&E series based on short stories by P.G. Wodehouse. It's pretty funny (considering it stars Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry). I'm also currently reading The Italian by Elaine Coffman. This is one sorry excuse for a Romance Novel. It's supposed to be a romance novel but Ms. Coffman tries to make it seem like a legitimate novel but her writing skills are so atrocious that it just doesn't work. Can't wait to let Emily borrow it and see for herself what an awful book it is.