Thursday, July 24, 2008

Penelope Soundtrack

I just listened to the soundtrack for Penelope. I love it as much as I love the movie. Especially The Piano Song by Meiko. Super super cute!

Merlin's Apprentice

Yep, another movie review. There's not much to do at my aunt's house but there are free movies on demand. Anyway, Merlin's Apprentice is about what the title says it's about. I really enjoy anything relating to King Arthur or medieval life. Normally. I've found that lately I don't enjoy any live action movies set in the time period. Somehow they don't work for me. I love any book and any animated movie (Quest for Camleot...LOVE IT) just not live action. But back to Merlin's Apprentice. It was a little long and had a nice Alanna-esque subplot (if you've ever read Tamora Pierce you understand). There were roughly twenty different points where the movie could have ended. Oh, look this one is sad....oh, a reunion....finally, happy. It is Hallmark after all.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Family Plan

I also watched Family Plan. It's really cute. Even though I hate Tori Spelling. The plotline is simple. Tori's character (Charlie) hires an actor to pretend to be her husband so she can get a job. Predictable but cute. I'm a sucker for chick-flicks.


I just saw the movie Penelope. AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I highly recommend this movie to anyone! It's about a girl who is cursed with a pig nose. Sounds stupid, I know. But it's amazing. It's remarkable to me that Christina Ricci can still be absolutely beautiful even when she has a pig's nose. And James McAvoy....don't get me started. I decided (after watching this movie especially, even though I already knew that I liked him) that he will be my future husband. I really really really think he's cute. And his character is....gah! Perfect! I want a guy just like this character. So maybe this character will be my new husband. I have an issue with fictional characters....I'm constantly attracted to them.


Annie: So what are you hiding from the law or is it just a bad nose job?
Penelope: Mhm, bad nose job.

Good dog, bad dog

So I've decide that I like one of the dogs I'm watching (Sophie) and strongly dislike the other (Gracie). Sophie is perfectly content to just lie there and watch me read. Gracie is an attention whore. Gracie woke me up last night at 1:30 demanding to go out. After spending fifteen minutes outside, five minutes after she comes in she wants back out. Finally I just slept in the basement so she wouldn't keep waking me. Maybe I'm a bad dog sitter. Screw it. Sleep is way more important than two spoiled dogs.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Here we go!

So here we go. No clue what inspired me to create a blog. (that's a lie. I saw my mom's blog). I guarantee you that I will only use this blog for about a month. Then I'll get way to lazy to do anything else with it. Oh well. For now, here we go. I suppose another reason for starting this was boredom. I'm currently dog-sitting my aunt's dogs. BORING!!!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing to do but watch TV, read (not inspired by this book....I don't really care about cotton), and...well, exercise. But I'm to lazy for that last one. I could use to get in shape but I'm already in a musical working my butt off. That's plenty of work for me. I should go play with the dogs. Later!